Fresh perspective. Enduring strategy.

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Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Consulting

For more than 25 years, Christine Labaree has specialized in healthcare communications, with roles spanning corporate communications, investor relations, public relations, and product marketing. In 2014, she founded Evergreen Communications, a referral-based consultancy providing a select group of life science companies communications strategy and investor relations counsel specifically tailored to their needs and situations—a “concierge” approach to communications.

Christine is a veteran of the "agency" side, working with dozens of public and private life science companies of all sizes and stages, and has also served "in house" as the head of communications and IR and a product marketing manager for a publicly-traded medical device company. In addition, she spent the early years of her career working in cancer research, patient services and advocacy at a premier academic medical center/medical school and the largest non-profit organization in the field.


Christine has always viewed herself as a caretaker of the businesses she works with, invested in each company’s success and integrity. By embedding with the internal team, she becomes both a hands-on senior advisor and a seamless extension of the staff where needed. Her multi-faceted communications experience has enabled her to establish effective strategies and messaging across audiences--investors, clinicians, patients, and partners. And with two decades in investor relations, she is committed to leveraging her institutional investment community knowledge on behalf of her clients.

In the healthcare world, credibility and trust are everything, whether a company is communicating to investors, regulators, clinicians and their patients, or potential partners. As a result, Christine believes in substance-over-hype and appropriately managing stakeholder expectations. Her aim is to build a communications platform and track record for her clients that will best serve them over the months and years to come: evergreen communications. 
